Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Some wise guys advised sashil to create a blog and here it is. The subtitle of the blog already says what the author is about. Welcome!

Multi-skilled artists want to present all of their skills at once and to blow the minds of the audience. It's very hard for them to focus on one style or discipline and brand themselves as an (unique) artist/illustrator/designer, who creates (only) this very specific artwork. Yet concentration and focus are essential for every artist.

Let's say we have an illustrator, who can draw different types of illustration. He or she tries to promote himself/herself as a multi-discipline artist. What might happen? He/she sends a portfolio to a children's book editors or agents, and in the portfolio there is all that kinds of illustration the artist can draw. But does really a children's book agent want to see all kinds of artwork?! Why, they just want to see first-class children's illustration. The rest may be regarded as distraction or spam and it may destroy their good feeling. People, who want specific kind of art want to work with somebody who specializes in this very field. They need to be persuaded, that what they want is what this artist is best at. And then the artist has a chance.

Even Picasso focused on one style at a time.